DeveloPassion's Newsletter #165 - She Said Yes ❤️

Edition 165 of my newsletter, discussing Knowledge Management, Knowledge Work, Zen Productivity, Personal Organization, and more!

DeveloPassion's Newsletter #165 - She Said Yes ❤️


Another week, another newsletter! I hope that you all had a great one 🤩

We just came back from Rome. We had a wonderful time over there. The weather could have been better (it rained two out of the four days), but it did not ruin anything. It couldn't. Why? First, because my philosophy of life is to accept everything that is outside of my control... And most importantly, because I proposed to my girlfriend, and she said yes ❤️

I've been thinking about the best place and time to make my proposal, and figured that Rome would be perfect. I had the Trevi Fountain or the Colosseum in mind, but once we arrived there, I didn't feel those were the right places for us.

We went on a long hike around the city, visited the beautiful Trastevere neighborhood, then climbed to the top of the Janiculum, which offered us a wonderful scenic view of Rome. After that, while returning to Trastevere, we discovered a really beautiful fountain called the Fontana dell'Acqua Paola. Once I saw it, I knew it was the perfect place for my proposal.

After that, no amount of rain could have ruined our mood 😂.

During the four days we spent in Rome, we walked ~75KM (!!), discovered a million beautiful places, and came back with tons of new memories. But we're happy to have returned to our much quieter town!

The lab 🧪

The lab was closed this week

New articles

No new articles this week

Quotes of the week

  • There is virtue in work and there is virtue in rest. Use both and overlook neither — Alan Cohen
  • Be not afraid of going slowly. Be afraid only of standing still
  • Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it — Chuck Swindoll

Thinking and learning

Various articles about the Zettelkasten method that I have discovered:

Introduction to the Zettelkasten Method • Zettelkasten Method
Learn how the Zettelkasten works as a system, what a Zettel is made of, and how to grow an organic web of knowledge.
The Iceberg Theory of the Zettelkasten Method — Exploring the Depths • Zettelkasten Method
The realisation that linked notes are more useful than unlinked notes should be the start of your journey into the depths.
Getting Started • Zettelkasten Method
A Zettelkasten is a personal tool for thinking and writing that creates an interconnected web of thought. Its emphasis is on connection and not mere collection of ideas.
Zettelkasten Method: How to Take Smart Notes (A Beginner’s Guide)
If you really want to take smart notes, learn the Zettelkasten Method. Not only will it help knowledge management, but will help you learn better, too.
The Zettelkasten Method: A Beginner’s Guide | Goodnotes Blog
A Zettelkasten helps you organize all your knowledge on a certain topic, in a way that’s easy to reference and build upon. Here’s how to create one!
A Beginner’s Guide to the Zettelkasten Method | Zenkit
The Zettelkasten method is a personal strategic note-taking, thinking, and writing process. Use the Zettelkasten method for smart notes!
Build your own second brain with the Zettelkasten method - Work Life by Atlassian
The Zettelkasten method is an approach to notetaking that turns information into knowledge. Here’s how it works and how to use it for knowledge management.
The Zettelkasten Method: Examples to help you get started.
Writing your first Zettelkasten note is intimidating. Most of the resources on Zettelkasten are principle-based, with few examples of how…

How to create and customize your own Obsidian Vault:

Opinion piece about Obsidian Publish and Ghost:

Why I Migrated 300+ Posts From Obsidian Publish to Ghost
303. 303 posts manually backfilled one by one from Obsidian Publish to Ghost, with great effort and mental + physical expense. But why? The Goal of a Zettelkasten For the uninitiated, a zettelkasten is a form of a personal knowledge management system (PKM). The Zettelkasten method prioritizes small pieces of information

I personally choose both at this point. Ghost is where I publish my "completed" articles, and I use Obsidian Publish to share my evergreen notes:

README - DeveloPassion

Building a second brain from scratch in Notion. I'm not convinced, but it's an option:

Another Obsidian intro (French)

What's not to love about calm companies?

We need more calm companies
Calm companies are profitable, value freedom, have a purpose, and improve the team’s lives. Frenzied companies are crisis-driven.

Ready to get to the next level?

If so, then check out the Knowledge Worker Kit, the Obsidian Starter Kit, the Obsidian Starter Course, the Knowledge Management for Beginners course, the PKM Library, a PKM coaching session with me, my collection of books about software development and the IT Concepts Wall 🔥.

If you want to discuss, then don't hesitate to join the Personal Knowledge Management community or the Software Crafters community.

About Sébastien

Hello everyone! I'm Sébastien Dubois (you can follow me on Twitter 🐦).

I'm an author, founder, and CTO. I write books and articles about software development & IT, personal knowledge management, personal organization, and productivity. I also craft lovely digital products 🚀

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