DeveloPassion's Newsletter - It's later than you think

DeveloPassion's Newsletter - It's later than you think
Hello everyone! I’m Sébastien Dubois, your host. You’re receiving this email because you signed up for DeveloPassion’s Newsletter. Thank you for being here with me ✨
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Welcome to the 57th edition
Another week, another newsletter! I hope that you all had a great one 🤩
I keep thinking about time. A while ago, I explored some ideas about the relationship between time, the present moment, productivity, and work.
Throughout our lives, we often find ourselves thinking “I’ll do that later”, “There’s still time”, “It can wait”, “Next year we’ll…”, etc.
In reality, when we think like that, we’re just making bets against an unknown future. It’s impossible to know what the future might hold. Yes, we might have time later. Yes, we might be able to X a year from now. But it’s all hypothetical.
Enjoy yourself. It’s later than you think … The years go by, as quickly as a wink
We shouldn’t gamble our future mindlessly. Instead, we need to make the best of our most precious resource: our time.
You might want to become an expert at the piano, an opera singer, a famous author, a rock star, a wealthy businesswoman, a jet pilot, or a politician. You might actually reach some of those goals, but there’s only so much we can do during our ~4000 weeks on earth. Lots of people keep dreaming and acting as if they were immortal, but none of us are (and it’s probably for the better).
The bigger the decision, the more fear-inducing it is. That’s where decision-making power, gut feeling, and optimism are decisive.
Choisir c'est renoncer” (choosing is refusing).
Making decisions requires choosing. Choosing to live a life that is more in line with our aspirations and desire for freedom. Daring to hope for a brighter future amidst uncertainty and doubt. Choosing means inviting life. It’s preferring to make tough calls rather than to refrain, living in fear, and having regrets.
Choosing an absolute order between important life goals is the toughest part of our personal journeys. It implies consciously choosing what we might never get to do and being at peace with that, knowing that there’s no time for it all.
We all grow up thinking that time is infinite, and often realize too late that it really isn’t. Life is shorter than we imagine.
Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself, It’s later than you think

The Lab 🧪
This week has been wonderful from a business perspective.
After sharing my latest article on Hacker News, it went straight to the front page.
My article about PKM on Hacker News
Exactly like the last time, it led to a huge spike of visitors to my blog:
Surge of visits on
Interestingly, one of the visitors stumbled upon another article of mine and shared it on Hacker News the next day, leading to a second spike (+6K page views).
In total, there were ~35K visits on my blog this week. That’s a ~4400% increase from last week 😂.
Kudos for Vercel and Cloudflare for providing awesome quality of service for $0.
This had many interesting side effects:
  • 4x more visits and 15 new sales of the PKM Library
  • 2x more visits and 1 new sale of the Dev Concepts Starter Kit
  • 42x more visits on the landing page of focusd and 33 new persons on the waiting list
  • 55 new followers on Twitter
  • $10 thanks to Amazon affiliate links
  • 40+ new subscribers on my mailing list
  • 1 new referred member on Medium (might be unrelated :p)
  • 20+ new followers for the PKM Journal
  • 20 new PKM community members on Slack and 30 on Reddit
Thanks to this, my passive income for the last 30 days rose from $220 to $500+! Quite impactful! And I’m expecting ripples through time. ❤️
I’ve also been able to join the EthicalAds network. This is a new small and riskless bet for this year. I’ve decided to place a single text ad on top of my blog articles. As with my Website analytics (Plausible Analytics), I chose a non-invasive and privacy-respectful option. I hope this will become an additional “passive” source of income; we’ll see how that goes!
Things I've learned this week
Some of the notes I took this week
I took very few notes this week. Most were personal ones as part of my journal. Whenever I go through a crisis, I spend an astounding amount of time introspecting.
I continued reading The Personal MBA. I’m only halfway through it, but I already know I’ll be recommending this book a lot in the future!
Recent articles
No new article this week. I hoped to publish a new one, but didn’t find the energy.
Books corner
Make Time: How to Focus on What Matters Every Day
Quotes of the week
  • “Enjoy yourself. It’s later than you think” — Guy Lombardo
  • “If you want to be successful, you must respect one rule – Never lie to yourself” — Paul Coelho
Tips of the week
Read the introduction of this newsletter one more time.
How cool is that?!
The computers used to do 3D animation for Final Fantasy VII... in 1996.
GPT-3 can run code - by maytee.eth - mayt writes
PKM Links of the week
My Org Roam Notes Workflow - Hugo Cisneros
Tech Links of the week
Those HTML Attributes You Never Use — Smashing Magazine
GitHub - pmndrs/zustand: 🐻 Bear necessities for state management in React