DeveloPassion's Newsletter - Links #20

Edition Links #20 of my newsletter, discussing Knowledge Management, Knowledge Work, Zen Productivity, Personal Organization, and more!

DeveloPassion's Newsletter - Links #20

Hello everyone! I'm Sébastien Dubois, your host. You're receiving this email because you signed up for DeveloPassion's Newsletter. Thank you for being here with me ✨

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Time for a new Links edition!

Alright, let's gooooo 🚀

Personal development, Thinking and Learning

Obsidian can also be used as a powerful outliner:

Demystifying Obsidian’s Outlining Superpowers
An Obsidian Guide for the Outliner

The new support for Properties in Obsidian is bound to enable really cool note-taking scenarios:

Obsidian Properties Meets Sidenotes
And breaks them, unless you adopt some workarounds.
Tufte Style Sidenotes in Obsidian
Tufte sidenotes are a unique annotation method. They make notes more useful by providing additional info in the context of reading flow.
More on Tufte-Style Sidenotes
There have been some important tweaks to TfTHacker’s implementation.

A really cool publication to help you become better thinkers:

Exploring the blueprint of an effective thinker — together.

Indie Hacking and bootstrapping

I agree with Jason Friend. There's so much noise about hacking productivity that people don't even think about what really matters:

Jason Fried on LinkedIn: EFFECTIVE > PRODUCTIVE Everyone’s talking about hacking productivity… | 48 comments
EFFECTIVE > PRODUCTIVE Everyone’s talking about hacking productivity these days. There’s an endless stream of methodologies and tools promising to make you… | 48 comments on LinkedIn
Should You Start A Side Hustle? 5 Ways To Ensure Success
Side hustles are trending, and large numbers of people are starting, pursuing and expanding their extra gigs. But there are key things to know if you want to succeed.

Cool writing tips:

Don’t write what you know, write what you feel: bestselling authors offer tips on World Book Day
Malorie Blackman advises budding authors to pick up on news stories, but Julia Donaldson warns of pitfalls – and Alan Moore says you should read terrible books as well as good ones

Use your knowledge to create leverage:

3 Types Of Knowledge To Leverage As A Brand New Creator
You Don’t Need To Be An Expert To Get Started As A Creator

Writing a newsletter is another wonderful way to create leverage and benefit from eventual reciprocity. Here are some tips for writing better newsletters:

On Being a Good Newsletterer
Notes and tips on how not to be a newsletter ding dong


AI’s Ostensible Emergent Abilities Are a Mirage
According to Stanford researchers, large language models are not greater than the sum of their parts.
The AI revolution is powered by these contractors making $15 an hour
Two OpenAI contractors spoke to NBC News about their work training the system behind ChatGPT.
Generate production quality assets for your creative projects with AI-driven speed and style-consistency.

ChatGPT discussing with a panel of experts instead of just a single one: